Thursday, April 12, 2012

Worth of Souls #4

It has been awhile since I have written about a friend or the worth of someone, but I recently had lunch with a very good friend of mine. I love her to death because she has always known what is important in life. I have never questioned her standards and have looked to her as an example.

Our friendship started in college and I look forward to having her as a life long friend. I remember being impressed with her because she is the only member of the church in her family and has always had to stand up for herself. I consider her a "Woman of Christ" because she truly is trying to follow Him in every way. She waited for the right person to marry in the right place. She is now a wonderful Mommy and I had to smile when she told me she sings Primary songs to her son to help calm him down. Hopefully someday I can be a great Mom just like her!

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