Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Trip to Missouri

Recently I went out to Missouri for 3 reasons...to visit my Mom's grave, see the Christmas stuff in Branson, and spend time with my grandma. It was a great trip, but also hard. It was hard to go through more of my Mom's things and visit her grave, but it was a lot of fun to have my grandma all to myself. We watched about a bazillion Christmas movies and ate lots of treats.
Isn't my grandma so cute? Plus she is so feisty! I love her spunk!!!
The infamous Silver Dollar City! The last time I went there was with all my Mitchell relatives about 20 years ago.
The 5 story tree that has a ton of lights on it and is coordinated to music.
G-ma and I getting our Christmas on:)
Our favorite tree in the park because it had icicles on the tree that made it look like it was snowing.
This tree may not be as pretty as the main attraction, but it was bigger! I went inside the cave (by myself since there were 700 steps that my grandma could not do) which used to be the main attraction or what got Silver Dollar City started. The room that had the Christmas tree lights once fit 5 hot air balloons inside it. My favorite part of the cave though was the bats!
Aren't we so cute? I could see so much of myself in my grandma and Mom while I was there.
My old grandma and grandpa's house or where I grew up visiting them until my college years when they moved.
I love anything Amish and this buggy was parked at the grocery store. I enjoyed talking to the Amish gentleman too.
My Grandpa Mitchell's grave. What's wrong with this picture?
Front of Mom's grave
Back of Mom's grave
Me missing my Mom a ton!
Quick stop at the Kansas City Temple which will be dedicated in the Spring and is in my mission:)

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